SMiD connects media og communication researchers in Denmark
SMiD – The association for media and communication researchers in Denmark
SMiD is the Danish acronym for “Samslutning af medie og kommunikationsforskere i Denmark”, which means “Association for Media and Communication researchers in Denmark”.
SMiD was established in 1976. The association has today approx. 50 members, who are employed at universities and other institutions of higher education, in sector research and in business. SMiD’s members are media and communication researchers in a very broad sense, i.e. researchers who based on a number of theoretical positions and objectives work with many different topics and issues within different types of media and communication organizations.
SMiD aims to function as a professional forum where media and communication researchers in Denmark can keep up to date with what their colleagues work with and think about in academic, professional and media policy matters. SMiD functions as a framework for professional exchanges and developments in a Danish research context – a network where Danish media and communication researchers can gain insight into what is going on in the broad field of media research.
SMiD’s board of directors consists of:
- Martina Skrubbeltrang Mahnke, Roskilde Universitet, chair and editorial member af MedieKultur
- Anette Grønning, Syddansk Universitet, vice chairman
- Steffen Damkjær Moestrup, DMJX, communications and press manager
- Tem Frank Andersen, Aalborg Universitet, cashier
SMiD publishes the journal MedieKultur, which is an important publication within media and communication research in Denmark. MedieKultur is published twice a year. SMiD also holds an biannual meeting for all the association’s members as well as a professional/social event in connection with the NordMedia researcher conference. The biannual meeting, which coincides with the association’s general meeting, forms both a professional and social framework for the association. Over two days, you are invited to lectures and presentations of the members’ professional work as well as social get-togethers.
The association also awards the SMiD prize and SMiDs innovation price to a researcher who has made a special effort for SMiD and for media and communication research in Denmark in general. SMiD also acts as a link to the other Nordic media and communication researchers’ association (see below) and participates in the planning of the NordMedia conference.
Our international partners are:
- Nordicom (det nordiske videnscenter for medie- og kommunikationsforskning)
- Mevi (Samfundet för medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, Finland)
- Norsk medieforskerlag
- FSMK (Föreningen för svensk medie- och kommunikationsforskning, Sverige)
Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions: smid@smid-foreningen.dk. If you wish to become a member, please fill out this form.